Chad, March, 2020
In early March we visited Zakouma National Park in eastern Chad to see a variety of unique animals. Situated in the sahel region of Central Africa, Zakouma has unique variations of classic African mammals and birds. For more details see our blog posts at:
"Watering an Elephant!" and "Zakouma, Africa’s New Crown Jewel!".
- Red-throated Bee-eater
- Kordofan Giraffe
- Olive Baboon
- Black Crowned Crane
- Helmeted Guineafowl
- Zakouma National Park
- Olive Baboon
- Red-throated Bee-eater
- Harnessed Bushbuck
- White-faced Whistling-Duck
- African Spoonbill
- Large Spotted Genet
- African Wildcat
- Great White Pelican
- Grayish Eagle-Owl
- Caracal
- Northern Carmine Bee-eater
- African Paradise-Flycatcher
- Red-billed Firefinch
- Pied Kingfisher
- Little Bee-eater
- Red-throated Bee-eater
- Abyssinian Roller
- Olive Whip Snake
- Lion
- White-tailed Mongoose
- Pale Fox
- Lelwel Hartebeest
- African Buffalo
- Defassa Waterbuck
- Collared Pratincole
- Tiang
- Sparring Lelwel Hartebeest
- Cheetah
- Red-billed Quelea
- Black-rumped Waxbill
- Buffon's Kob
- Cheetah
- Lion
- Market Day
- Going to Market
- Spotted Hyena
- Spur-winged Goose
- Pride of Lions
- African Civet
- Aardvark
- Route Map